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I n a World Full of Greed, Lies, and Disinformation I Made a Promise to Myself-


To make the Natural Cream/Spray I've been perfecting since the mid 80's!   And to make it available to any and all that may benefit from it's Many uses.


I have found through years of  family and friends use- there are a multitude of  Uses For"1776" Cream and 11 + 1 Spray/Oil!


We Wanted to make it available with local ingredients (as much as possible), Naturally, and make it as reasonably priced as possible!


My team and I Are proud to say we Believe We have created just That-

A Natural Cream and Spray That WORKS!


We follow very strict quality, purity, and consistency guidelines To Give You What You've Come To Expect From Us  -  Quality & Consistency!


Thank You For Considering Margaret-Allen Natural Well Being Products!


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